ALL OUT-OF-STATE HORSES ARE REQUIRED TO HAVE A NEG. COGGINS TEST. In order to comply with State & Federal regulations, All OUT-OF-STATE horses are also required to have a Health Certificate.
Our Attending Veterinarian is available to write a Health Certificate for out of state Buyers.
We DO NOT allow horse trading on the premises or people selling dishonest horses. We want to deal only with good people.
We ask all horses for the sale are here by no later then 1pm Saturday, horses that show up after and need a coggins will have a rush coggins charge. we accept horses all week.
We pull a coggins test on EVERY horse, this allows all our internet bidders and out of state buyers to leave with their horses right away, we have buyers from all over USA.
Please have your coggins done prior if out of state there isa $75.00 fee to pull out of state horse will be charged.
Please have your coggins done before coming.
If out of state pick up health paper (CVI) prior to leaving.
$40.00 for in state coggins.
There will also be a $20.00 vet inspect fee on every horse that sells.
We accept horses all week of the sale.
Any questions call 605 770 5813 office
Frequently asked Questions
There is hay and water available for all horses on the property.
All horse’s paperwork must be checked for catalog by 12 pm Saturday.
All horses must be checked out at entrances with load-out sheet no exemptions.
SIGNING UP FOR ONLINE BIDDING. Will be on horse auctions USA and contact them directly “Link on our home page”.
At Corsica Horse Sales, all horses that are sold in our CATALOG will be GUARANTEED SOUND until Monday Noon following the Saturday Sale, All uncatalogued horses sell AS IS, with no guarantees unless stated by the seller. Contact our office with any concerns on horses purchased before deadline Monday at noon.
What we here a Corsica Horse Sales consider sound is: Sight out of both eyes, good in the air, hit the ground sound on all four, and not to crib.